Many people may choose to pursue a career in law, medicine, education and others because they feel that this is their calling and that they are well cut out to do so. However, the reality of the duties one needs to carry out in those professions may make them change their minds. The same thing can happen to an officer in the US army when they are not fully aware of what it takes to embrace this profession. Nonetheless, this scenario does not apply to me because I believe that I share the values, goals and aspiration of the US Army.
The US Army is founded upon seven principles i.e. Personal Courage, Integrity, Honor, Selfless Service, Respect, Duty and Loyalty. (US Army Manuals, 2008)Soldiers are taught about these values during training and they soon form part of their lives as they carry out their duties. Because I share in the desire to acquire and live according to these values, then I believe that the US Army would be the right place for me.
In the civilian world, many people are familiar with all the latter values; however, very few of them actually embrace them as part of their lives. Most of them may consider these values as theoretical ones and rarely do they adhere to all of them. However, US Army officers are different in this regard. This is because the seven Army values are part of what they are.
Why I want to join the US Army
All US Army officers are expected to bear allegiance to the Army, the US constitution and to their fellow soldiers. Loyalty as an army value is first and foremost directed to the country and its heritage. In theory, this may seem like a relatively easy thing to do. However, there is much that has to be considered in the execution of this value. For instance, when soldiers are out in combat and they are heading towards a location that they may not be sure of, it is essential for these officers to demonstrate their loyalty to the Army by obeying the directions of their Captain. This should be the case regardless of objections that other soldiers may have against the Captain’s opinion. (US Army, 2008)
In order to be loyal, it is necessary for one to actually bear witness to the US Army ideals. This normally means that one has to be willing to devote oneself to the Army and to other persons in the Army. This is usually displayed by a deep respect and support for one’s leaders and colleagues. Every Army soldier can contribute towards the greater good of the institution by carrying out their part.
There is only one thing that can prepare an individual to engage or participate in something that poses a serious risk of death. This is having great loyalty to ones country. Such officers usually pledge allegiance to their country and their constitution even when it might cause them great harm or even loss of their lives. To me, there is nothing that can show one’s loyalty to their country like sacrificing one’s own life for it. While it may be a fact that not all US Army officers are at risk of loss of life, one cannot ignore the fact that it can happen. Consequently, one ought to be ready for this.
A memorial for fallen soldiers in the war in Iraq; The latter illustration shows some of the prices that the US has to pay to defend their deals.
It may be a scary thing for many people to work in the army because many are wary of its unpredictability. In fact, this is the sole reason why so many people opt not to join the Army. However, the same situation does not apply to me. I have a deep respect and love for my country. My loyalty is so immense to the point that I can be willing to put up with so much just so that I can secure a better life for my generation. Many great leaders in history had to make sacrifices because if they had not chosen to do so, then our nation would not be as it is today. The ideals that hold America today must be protected at all costs and if it takes some injuries or a life to prove this point, then so be it. The US Army is the best place to serve when one has such utmost respect and loyalty for their country. This is because it allows them to make sacrifices for their country. I believe that the US Army needs such kinds of attitudes in order to conserve the principle of freedom and liberty. These are aspects that made the United States stand out from all other nations in the world. Some people may not be happy about this state of affairs or the ideals that the US holds so dearly and this may be the reason why some of them are interested in destroying it. I am highly committed to this country and nothing will come in the way of that. (Army Museum, 2007)
A number of headlines have been in the news about Iraq and Afghanistan. In certain circumstances, one cannot surpass two weeks without hearing about the goings on in these two nations. The number of casualties that come from these two countries are alarming. And time and time again, the US flag has to be flown as half mast because of the death of a US soldier in these countries. Consequently, one has to think twice before entering into such a profession because that a particular person could be the casualty.
US Army officers can only display their sense of loyalty through sticking beside the US through thick and thin. One example of an officer who inspired me to want to have such a quality was Francis Sampson. Officer Sampson worked in the US Army in the nineteen forties. At first, he joined the Army because he was so enthusiastic about his civic duties as an American. However, later on he admitted that he had underestimated some of the challenges that would come with the pursuance of such a profession.
At first, the officer served in parachute regiment and made his mark there. Thereafter, he joined in the invasion of Normandy. At this point, the officer was taken by the country’s enemies and was a prisoner of war for some time. Despite the ultimatum that he had been given by these enemies to forget about his country, the officer chose to stick by it instead. In fact his captors wanted to execute him for this but he still remained loyal to the nation. A few months later, he was released and then captured again. H stayed as a prisoner of war for period of four months. This would have pushed him to let go of his loyalty to the US but this courageous officer chose not to. Through his acts, he was able to set an example for other officers in the US Army who are confronted with such situations. Additionally, his actions also served as a motivation to me. I could relate to his deep sense of loyalty and I now aspire to reach the kind of level that the latter mentioned officer reached. (Corps of Discovery, 2006)
It is my wish to join the US Army because as an officer, one becomes well versed with a sense of duty. All US Army officers are expected to accept responsibility for their actions. This also means that one ought to look for mechanisms of self improvement both inside and outside the Army. Army officers are expected to carry out certain duties whether it is during deployment or prior to it.
In the US Army, officers do not work in isolation. Most of them are required to cooperate with other members of the organization in order to fulfill a certain mission. Usually, this involves a lot of team dynamics and it may not be possible to achieve overall goals without doing what one is expected to do. In other words, the Army depends upon people who carry out their duties. I have always wanted to work with others for the greater good of the country and the Army would be a perfect opportunity to do this.
Additionally, the US Army would serve as an opportunity to teach me about having a sense of responsibility or moral obligation. Through the process of fulfilling these duties, it will be possible for me to learn a sense of obligation. Consequently, such issues such as looking for shortcuts would be out of the question. Through the value of duty, every single member can achieve the final product without looking for other wrong methods or alternatives.
All US Army officers are obliged both to the flag and the country. Consequently, soldiers are expected to defend the country against any form of destruction. The way a war is being conducted is quite important in depicting a good image of the US to the rest of the world; this can only be done by Army officers.
It is the duty of a US Army officer to ensure that they carry out their duties in manner that will boost the country’s image. Critics against the Iraq war have claimed that the conduct of certain US Army soldiers contradicts some of the values and goals in the US Army. For example, in 2006, there were a number of graphic images displayed of US Army officers torturing some prisoners of war. These officers defended themselves claiming that they were carrying out their duties. However, they had overstepped their boundaries. Most of them were not doing what they were supposed to. In other words, it is necessary for all the members of the US Army to understand the limits of their duties. All duties need to be carried out in a respectful manner that is full of dignity. (Army Museum, 2007)
When the United States as a country was still being established, there were a number of challenges that members of the US Army at that time had to face. Back in the nineteenth Century, Confederate Armies were relied upon by the country to defend it. This group was particularly amazing because of the fact that most of them had none of the luxuries that US soldiers enjoy today. At that time, the Army was organized in regiments. Each regiment was assigned specific duties and tasks and the degree of their success would largely depend upon the Army officers themselves. This was because some of them were badly trained while others were not. However, training became irrelevant if those respective officers lacked a sense of duty that was needed to get by.
In these regiments, it was necessary for officers to be enterprising and to display allot of initiative. Most of those officers who expressed greater discipline were those ones who had embraced their sense of duty. These officers could organize themselves adequately enough to look for fuel, food and other resources. For entertainment, the officers had to rely on their friends and families for this. It was also a given that these Army officers were highly spirited, youthful , sentimental and highly moral. This was all because they had a keen sense of what their duties were to their country. Through this Army value, the officers were able to go through unnecessary hardship such as eating rotten food, wearing worn out clothes and leaving in leaking tents. At that time, US Army officers were still able to show sign of life because most of them kept singing songs, playing sports, indulging in horse races amongst other things. (Army NCO, 2007)
After reading stories like this, I was moved to make the decision to become a US Army Officer. This is because I realized that what really matters is when one has a sense of duty, if the country’s founding fathers had very minimal resources that they could offer the Army yet they still managed to survive, then present day officers must embrace that same spirit. I would like an opportunity to display this great dedication to the country by carrying out my duties irrespective of the harsh surroundings around me.
In order to carry out one’s duty, it is imperative for one to have the right mindset in order to handle these tasks. For instance whenever there is a summer holiday in the Army, people are required train in the privacy of their homes. This is something that requires immense levels of discipline since no one is supervising. Additionally, when the holidays are over and an individual finds that they have to go back to service, chances are that there may be more intense training for such individuals. Some soldiers have given accounts of the long kilometers that they have had to compete in. Others have asserted that they had to combine this with a canoeing exercise, a moderate run and all this is done while dressed in heavy combat boots, a t-shirt and a very heavy rucksack. (US Army Manuals, 2008)
Such workouts may be very grueling and one may have to do them very regularly. However, this is part of one’s task an officer. If one does not possess the sense of duty and commitment to the Army that they should have then they may end up quitting. However, I believe that I have the right attitude needed to carry out my duties in the Army. I will be ready to take on some of the challenges that people go through in the army and will embrace all the likely exercises that come with it. Shown below is an illustration of the intensity and level of training that I am prepared to take part in once accepted into the US Army
I want to join the Army so as to exercise a keen sense of duty in the same manner that other officers in the force have done. One such example was Chaplain Carl Hudson who served in the US Army during the mid fifties. At that time, the United States Army was deployed to North Korea. This individual was a doctor in the Army. At that time, he was placed under a task force known as Task Force Smith. At the time when he had been called to duty, he was enjoying a vacation in the neighboring South Korea. However, after being informed about the demands that would be involved in the process, he realized that he had to take part in this mission as soon as possible. (Army NCO, 2007)
Doctor Hudson took five days to transport himself from his area of vacation to the area of deployment. This was done in the midst of floods and rainstorms. Additionally, he arrived at the area of deployment when it was already dark. At that time, North Korean tanks entered the region and there was an intense fight that went on there. Doctor Hudson kept passing through the mud and the rain trying to assist those he could. Not only did he offer professional help to the soldiers, but he was also able to provide them with comforting words at the time when they needed it the most. After several hours of combat a number of resources were exhausted all at once - these include
• No relief
• Failed communication
• No ammunition
• No food
Fighters of the Army had to retreat to a safer place where they would wait for more logistics. However, as they were waiting, Hudson kept cleaning their wounds and giving them encouragement. At that time, most of the soldiers were hungry, tired, wet and wounded and really needed any sign of hope that they could possibly get. Shortly afterwards, the man had to move from this dangerous zone to a safer place. In order to do this, they had to maintain silence, move as fast as possible and watch out for any danger since it was terribly dark. Eventually, the men found a place where they could rest for the night.
While Hudson may not have been a US Army officer per se, he epitomized the quality of duty that governs most US Armies. He was not even prepared to go into combat but he acted swiftly and was able to provide the much needed support that people in that area required. It was very moved by this story and was inspired to provide such service my fellow countrymen too.
Members of the US Army are taught how to respect other people. This is an important quality because any person who possesses it usually manages to reflect this upon himself or herself. The Army needs to be upheld as a respectful organization and the only way this can be done is by the behavior of its constituent members. Army officers are generally respectful people even when they are not carrying out their duties. Consequently, I would like to acquire this trait and contribute towards upholding the name of the organization. (Corps of Discovery, 2006)
Because the Army is made up of a series of individuals who all contribute towards the goals and mission of one institution, then is imperative for everyone to trust the other. Respect occurs when one person believes that the other has played their part. This is usually backed up by carrying out one’s obligations too. When every single member of the Army respects the other, then there will be greater achievement of the Army’s objectives.
The issue of respect also applies to civilians or other non members. If one is required to carry out a peace keeping mission in another country. It is imperative for members of the US Army to uphold this principle of respect by treating all the people they encounter with such an approach. Even when the people being considered are economically or politically disadvantaged, they are human beings and deserve similar treatment. (US Army Manuals, 2008)
Taking the current examples of the two wars that members of the US army have been
deployed i.e. Afghanistan and Iraq. As representatives of the United States, members of the Army are expected to treat the people of Iraq and Afghanistan with the respect that they would also like to be treated with. It should be noted that these two wars have presented a number of statuses that the Army would have to deal with and they include
• Prisoners of War
• Civilians
• Criminals
All the latter parties still need to be treated with respect and dignity. If someone happens to be a civilian, the members of the US Army are expected to cause no harm to them. If those people are prisoners of war, then they are supposed to be accorded with the respect granted to such persons. Additionally, criminals should only be labeled as such after undergoing trails because it is respectful to treat everyone as innocent until they have been proven guilty. It is necessary for a US Army officer to remember that their values are not rendered irrelevant whenever they leave the country.
Selfless Service
Members of the US Army are expected to display selfless service. This is only possible by placing the welfare of one’s subordinates, the Army and the country before one’s own. Such a quality is quite admirable because not many human beings can behave in such a manner. It is human nature to put one’s needs before others’ and this is what sometimes causes conflict amongst us. However, if I join the US Army, then I will be in position to render my services without consideration of other non issues. This also means that the latter quality can be transferred to other spheres of life and this can lead to self development.
Through selfless service, it is possible for one to depict other traits such as;
• Self control
• Faith
• Discipline
I believe that the Army is the ultimate place to teach this value (selfless service) because there are so many physical and mental challenges that one must overcome as an Army officer. For instance, it is usually necessary to take part in hard labor. Additionally, in other circumstances, one might find that they have to carry on with their duties even after an attack of physical illnesses such as fever, colds, toothaches and the like. Members of the US Army have to endure great levels of fatigue and a series of many other tough conditions. All these challenges cannot be overcome when a person is merely doing what they are supposed to do. To survive in such harsh conditions, one has to offer their services selflessly. Unless this is done, then most officers would find themselves quitting. This aspect is very appealing and I would definitely like to be such a person. (US Army Manuals, 2008)
I would also like to join the US Army because of this trait owing to the fact that through it, I will be able to carry out what is expected of me regardless of whether someone else is watching me or not. In other words, through the Army, it will be possible to go in with my respective duties without having to worry about being glorified because of the quality of selfless service. Through the latter trait, I will be able to push myself a little further and to make my contributions a little more even when very little attention is being to be. Being a US Army officer is one of the few positions in the country that offer someone such an opportunity.
There are numerous journal and daily entries that have been made by a number of soldiers serving in the US Army today. Some of them have depicted just how challenging Army life is. Consequently, such writings have stimulated my interests in the goings on that take place in the Army because of the fact that this is captures the very essence of my personality. I have always liked challenging jobs or professions because these are the issues that give one a reason to get up every morning. (Army Museum, 2007)
Taking the example of US officers who are to be deployed to Afghanistan; these troops are usually divided into three categories. Some of them may be deployed in high risk areas of Afghanistan or Iraq while some may be taken to moderate areas. However, because no one knows where they will be deployed, then they have to be ready for anything. Also, the members that will constitute their team are hardly known prior to the deployment. One must be highly flexible in such a circumstance. This is because someone may be prepared for deployment but find that they are not needed at that time and this forces them to keep waiting. Sometimes, the deployment process may take very long and in other situations, it may be done in a few weeks. Consequently, on needs to be ready for anything. Sometimes, this may come in just before Christmas and one might have to spend it away from their family. All this issues can only be handled when one has selfless service towards their country. If they are ready to embrace whatever challenges come their way, then they can survive this. I believe that I possess the right amount of flexibility to fit in such circumstances and will therefore be able to hold the ideals of selfless service in the US Army.
All the great men in history have one particular thing in common; they are men of honor. These patriots have stood by the values of the US constitution or the institutions that they represent. I would like to be a man of honor too. By enrolling in the US Army, I will get a chance to depict this quality through living in accordance with Army principles.
It is only in very few professions where the term honor can be given to someone for carrying out their duty. As a result, I feel that the Army will give me a great opportunity to do this. I will be able to stick to the mission set out by the Army and thus make the most of my time or experience there. (Army Museum, 2007)
It should be noted that not all US Army officers are honorable; this is probably the reason why the military offers a medal of honor annually. In order achieve such a medal, a soldier will have to display the fact that they have been living in accordance with the principle of honor in their daily lives. Such individuals usually reflect honor in all the decisions that they make. Military officers are expected to be carrying out their duties in accordance with the army’s values and when this is done without fail, teen one can be regarded as an honorable officer. I would like to live such a life and this can only be possible in the Army. (Corps of Discovery, 2006)
Honor is a critical part of a US Army officer and this is something that I would definitely like to experience. Honor is that special thing that makes an army officer to adhere to all army values. It is that aspect that enables one to look at himself or herself in the mirror fatter a hard day’s work and know that they have done their best. This quality, I believe is the cornerstone of being a US Army officer. Through this trait, I believe that I will always be proud of my actions as an officer. I will not be reproaching myself for failing to act in manner that I should have.
Issues such as torture should not be anywhere in the minds of an honorable military officer. This is because in order to execute such an act, one should disregard all their military values yet this is not possible when one is an honorable person. I would like to experience such circumstances where I have the choice to do wrong or right for my country and then opt for the right thing. By being bestowed such a title, then I will have the strength to go on.
A soldier’s honor can be seen through a series of illustrations. This does not have to be one big dramatic event; it can be a seemingly regular issue that has forced one in manner that required some form of strain or endurance. (US Army Manuals, 2008)
An example of this may occur when soldiers are busy training in a particular camp that may be situated within the country. Some of these soldiers may be preparing for deployment to a war torn area such as Iraq or Afghanistan. It is also possible that the soldiers who are taking part in the deployment may be friends and colleagues to the ones who are back at home training. Just before the latter soldiers are deployed of, it is possible to hear that some of the other soldiers on call are in danger in that they are under critical medical conditions or they are going to pass away. This can be a particularly disturbing issue to someone who knows the officers and especially when that person is going to take the place of these respective officers. Consequently, it is honorable for one to choose to carry on with the deployment even when they know that they are heading to such a high risk area. Such acts of honor are what have attracted me to the US Army. I believe that I possess some of these qualities required to make it in such an environment. Additionally, I have a great deal of stoicism needed to get through.
The latter quality is essential in the US Army owing to the fact that it entails doing the right thing as defined by the law, morality and common judgment. A US Army officer is expected to always do what is right and respond to that inner voice in every one of us. This is an aspect that I posses and would like to exercise while in the US Army.
Many at times, officers find themselves in a situation that may be morally challenging. In such circumstances, they may face a dilemma on what to do. However, if one possesses the quality of integrity, then they can meet their end of the bargain without worrying about the effects that will come along with these aspects. (Army Museum, 2007)
A US Army officer is expected to speak the truth and not deceive others irrespective of the advantages that they may gain out of that deception. I would definitely like to possess such a attribute because in the end, one is likely to receive trust from others. Whenever one displays great integrity, then that person is normally given more responsibility based on the fact that they are dependable.
When someone has made numerous choices based on integrity, then it is likely that
that person’s relationships with their friends, their family and themselves may reflect this quality. I believe that the US Army will be a great place to exercise integrity given the fact that most of the time, many officers are expected to carry out duties on their own. They end having to deal with certain challenges and this makes them better people. I would definitely like to have such an opportunity to grow and become better. (Army Museum, 2007)
It should be noted that there are so many circumstances in which members of the US Army operate outside of the country’s borders. This does not in any way justify disregarding the US constitution. Some soldiers may assume that just because they are not in their country, they can go about torturing others or disobeying the law. They believe that the US constitution only applies to those who are citizens of the country but this is not true at all. For those soldiers with integrity, treating everyone rightly should be done irrespective of whether one is located within a certain area or not.
Personal Courage
The US Army normally puts its officers in dangerous situations. In such instances, one may find that they have to choose between life and death. In other circumstances US officers may operate under great adversity or strenuous circumstances. It becomes necessary for one to exercise courage in such a situation because if one cannot overcome their fears, then they may not be able to proceed with their duties or their missions. (US Army Manuals, 2008)
It should be noted that the Army is not an institution in which every single person agrees with the other. In fact from time to time, it is possible to find that people are in constant disagreement with one another. In order to display personal courage, it is necessary for one to stand up for what they believe in irrespective of what others may think about it. Usually, this is a quality that may not come out very easily. But with time and long service in the Army, it can then be possible to consider this element as part of one’s lifestyle.
As a member of the US Army, it is sometimes necessary for one to put the interests of the army and nation before one’s own. This sometimes means taking up a stance that may contradict popular opinion. For instance, the war against Iraq has been opposed by certain members of the military. These members have been courageous enough to act in such manner because of the fact that they are considering the interests of the rest of the population other than the interests of their respective groups. This is the principle that has been used to form the IVAW or the Iraq Veterans Against the War.
It usually takes a lot of courage for a member of the US Army to stand up against something that is deemed wrong. There may be certain circumstances that may crop up when fulfilling one’s duties that may require a person to oppose the views of their leaders. This is because some leaders may not be operating under immoral guidelines. They may be doing something dishonorable and may require the efforts of a subordinate to carry this out. Consequently, one ought to have enough courage to stand up against such dishonorable leaders because if they fail to do so, then they will be liable for their actions. It is my wish to exercise some of these characteristics while working in the Army. I have always been unafraid of dealing with challenges that come my way. I have constantly been bold enough to tackle certain opposing forces in my life. Consequently, I believe that I can do the same if I join the US Army.
Courage is sometimes not displayed in combat missions alone. Sometimes, one has to display courage when dealing with friends and family too.
Time and time again, Army officers have to leave their respective countries, homes or families because of the challenges or the duties that they have to deal with in the Army. It takes a lot of sacrifice for one to leave the people that they have grown accustomed to in order to pursue their professional obligations. For instance, whenever one is required to move from one country to another, it can be very difficult to make certain decisions. For instance, if one is in a high position and they are likely to stay in that country for long, then they may choose to take their families with them. This can be very trying moments because such countries may not have the amenities, structures and resources that one’s family has grown accustomed to in the United States. Children may have a particularly difficult time adjusting because most of them may not understand the language or culture in that respective country. (Corps of Discovery, 2006)
For those officers who are deployed for short periods of time, most of them may be required to leave their family members back home. When military duties are so demanding, it is possible to find that most of these officers may have to miss out on important aspects of their family’s lives; these may include their children’s birthdays, sporting days or even their graduations. It takes a lot of sacrifice for one to put their country first and miss out on the most important days of their child’s life. Consequently, an officer must have personal courage in such moments; otherwise, they may not be able to proceed. It is very admirable to live up to such expectation. I believe that I posses the right qualities to exercise such courage. Shown below is an example of a us army soldier preparing himself to leave his daughter.
Most officers find it difficult to balance their time with their family and their service to the Army but I believe that this can be done through courage and commitment.
Soldiers have to depict a lot of signs of respect to the people that they interact with even as they head to different parts of the world. In certain countries, many people may perceive the US as an enemy of their territory. Most of them may believe that the United States may be the cause of all their problems and may not take kindly to the presence of US soldiers. Taking the example of the war in Iraq; most Iraqis blame the US for the current state of affairs in their country. This is because they do not fully understand the US mission in their country or some of them may merely dislike the US. Consequently, some soldiers have reported signs of hostility in Iraq. For instance, some civilian including women and children have thrown stones at them or even done worse thing such as aiming at them with blunt weapons.
The human tendency is such that it prompts one to do unto others what another did to them. But because the US Army is governed by the seven values and top of this list is respect for human life, then such soldiers need to act in the best possible manner irrespective of the kind of problems that they may face or the attitude they may receive from such civilians. I believe that I posses this quality. The latter is extremely necessary in ensuring that one adheres to the Army’s ideals and that one embraces all the challenges that come with the title of being an officer of the US Army. (Army NCO, 2007)
The US Army is governed by seven major principles as seen above, though the actions of many exemplary men and women in combat, I have been inspired to do the same. It takes a great profession such as being an Army officer to live by all the seven values mentioned above. Additionally, members of the US Army represent the ideals and freedoms that the country’s founding fathers have fought so hard to establish. I would therefore like to share in this vision to make my country a better place both from my future family and the next generations to come. If I can do this today, then there will be no need for my children and all the others that follow them to the same.
US Army (2008): Army families, retrieved from accessed on 22nd November
Army Museum (2007): Army values; retrieved from accessed on 22nd November
Corps of Discovery (2006): the Seven Army vales, retrieved from accessed on 22nd November
US Army Manuals (2008): Seven Values of the US Army, retrieved from accessed on 22nd November
Army NCO (2007): Responsibility bullets; retrieved from accessed on 22nd November
The author of this article is a holder of Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from Harvard University and currently pursing PhD Program. He is also a professional academic writer. ResearchPapers247.Com>
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